Sunday, November 30, 2008

Character Growth

More from Lajos Egri: A character stands revealed through conflict; conflict begins with a decision; a decision is made because of the premise. The character's decision necessarily sets in motion another decision, from his adversary. And it is these decisions, one resulting from the other, which propel the story to its ultimate destination: the proving of the premise. A character moves relentlessly from one state of mind toward another; they are forced to change, grow, develop, because the writer had a clear-cut premise which it was their function to prove. The contradictions within a man and the contradictions around him create a decision and a conflict. These in turn force him into a new decision and a new conflict. Growth is evolution; climax is revolution. Character must have a seed in the beginning and must follow a logical and believable path of evolution. A Character's background , his temperament, is the seed which ensures growth and proves the author's premise.

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