Thursday, December 4, 2008


The real art to the story, Egri tells us, is how the writer handles transitions. No big jumps. Smooth transitions. Show how the character moves from one pole to the other. We are never, for any two successive moments the same. And transition is the element which keeps the story moving without any breaks, jumps or gaps. Transition connects seemingly unconnected elements, such as winter and summer, love and hate. Never oscillate between transitions, always move towards the goal. Building the conflict. Don't go back and forth. Once you've passed a threshold, move to the next level.

How to move from FRIENDSHIP to MURDER.
  • Friendship-->Disappointment
  • Disappointment-->Annoyance
  • Annoyance-->Irritation
  • Irritation-->Anger
  • Anger-->Assault
  • Assault-->Threat (to greater harm)
  • Threat-->Premeditation
  • Premeditation-->Murder

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